Cover Your Car - Tailored and Fitted Car Covers Worldwide :: Pest Deterrents
Devices to help keep cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits and other pests away from your property and car. Prevents from animals scratching your car or puncturing ( or even eating) your car cover, thus helping preserve its life.
Pest Deterrents |
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FOXWATCH Fox Deterrent - Protect Your Family and Motor with Fox Watch
SKU: SKU81844
Keep your family and home safe from the 5 'D- word' problems caused by foxes. They may look cute and playful but foxes, just like rats, are invasive vermin who will fearlessly 'home' in on any environment providing a rich food source with the following consequences -
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Our price: £49.96 save 9%
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CATWATCH Cat Deterrent - Cat Watch to Keep Cats Away from your Car and Car Cover
SKU: SKU17593
Protect your Car Cover from Cats with the Catwatch Ultrasonic Cat Deterrent. The ONLY Cat Deterrent tested and recommended by the RSPB. ( Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ). Cats can seriously damage your car cover if they choose to climb on it or use it as a scratch pad. The Catwatch ...
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Our price: £49.96 save 9%
including VAT 20%